November 9, 2017

tap. tapping

Simplified EFT Tapping™ by Valerie Lis
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Short Business Description
You can achieve fast, lasting results for chronic pain, limiting beliefs, sports performance, addictive cravings, weight control, emotional distress, and food/chemical sensitivities. With Simplified EFT Tapping™, most issues, including intense, decades-long pain, can be resolved in a single online session. This method is credible, easy to learn, and often produces astounding results in just minutes.
Long Business Description
Valerie Lis, MA is one of the leading experts on Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT Tapping).
Valerie is the founder of Simplified EFT Tapping™, described as the first major improvement to the tapping process since its creation. She is the author of two books: Simplified EFT Tapping™: How to Get Exceptional Results Every Time You Tap and You, Too, Can Create Everyday Miracles.
Most clients achieve miraculous improvements in their emotional and physical health, often in only 1-3 online sessions. Examples include freedom from pain after decades of suffering, relief from addictive cravings, elimination of food and chemical sensitivities, and complete shifts in limiting beliefs and unhealthy thought patterns.
A faculty member, Valerie also teaches a variety of courses at a Minnesota (U.S.) state college. In all her roles, Valerie provides amazing self-empowering tools to her clients and audiences, supporting positive change in just minutes!
Free blog videos are available on the website to try Simplified EFT Tapping:
Business Website Address
Business Address
10250 Foley Blvd, #48236
Coon Rapids, MN